Posts tagged positive training
What is a High-Value Reinforcer in Dog Training and Why is it Important to Use One?

When it comes to training our furry friends, using high-value reinforcers can make all the difference. These reinforcers, which can come in the form of treats, toys, verbal praise, or even physical affection, provide a clear signal to the dog that they have accomplished the desired behavior. (Check out our big list of reinforcers if you need help thinking of possible reinforcers to try out!) On the other hand, low-value reinforcers, or things you may believe are reinforcing, but aren't, can actually confuse and slow down training progress. So what makes a reinforcer high-value? It varies from dog to dog - for some pooches, it might be a crispy bacon treat, for others, it could be a game of fetch with their favorite toy. The key is to observe your dog's body language and reactions during training sessions and determine which reinforcer gets them the most engaged and increases and strengthens the targeted behavior. Using high-value reinforcers appropriately can not only help keep training sessions fun and engaging for both you and your pup but also increase efficiency and speed in learning behaviors and cues.

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Operant or Classical Conditioning In Dog Training: Is It Possible To Use Just One?

If you're new to the world of dog training, you may be wondering what operant conditioning and classical conditioning are, how they differ from one another, and if you can use them separately from one another. Both operant conditioning and classical conditioning are important elements of dog training, and it's important to understand the difference between the two in order to be the best trainer possible. Here's a brief overview of each type of conditioning, as well as a history of their respective pioneers, Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner.

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Aversive Dog Training Methods: The Fallout and Why It Matters

Dogs are trained using a variety of methods, some more effective than others. Aversive dog training methods (e.g. methods using primarily negative reinforcement and positive punishment) can actually do more harm than good. When training your dog, it is important to be aware of the consequences of using aversive training methods because the fallout from methods falling into their category can be difficult to reverse and take you further away from achieving your dog training goals. While aversive training methods might achieve the desired result in the short term, they can have long-term negative consequences for your dog's behavior. Read on to find out more about a few ways your dog can present fallout from these training methods and why they should be avoided.

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How Old Does My Dog Need To Be To Start Training?

Training a dog can be a rewarding experience for both you and your dog. If you are using positive reinforcement-based methods, puppies can begin learning simple cues such as “Sit” and “Down” as soon as they can eat solid foods. However, basic obedience training is just the beginning. Dogs of all ages can learn new tricks and behaviors. That saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, couldn’t be more wrong. The bond between you and your dog will only grow stronger as you continue to train together over the course of your lives together.

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How To Help A Fearful Dog Gain Confidence

If your dog is fearful, you may be wondering what you can do to help them feel more confident. Some dogs may be more fearful or hesitant than others, which can make training more challenging due to past experiences, social learning from other fearful dogs in the household, or even genetics. Luckily, there are positive reinforcement-based training methods and behavioral modification techniques, like desensitization and counter-conditioning that you can use to help your dog gain the confidence he or she needs to thrive. Keep reading to learn more about how to help a fearful dog gain confidence by using positive reinforcement and behavior modification techniques.

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Halloween and Your Anxious Dog: A Guide to Keeping Them Calm

It's that time of year again - the leaves are changing color, the air is getting crisp, and Halloween is just around the corner. For many of us, Halloween is a fun and festive time. But for our dogs, it can be a very stressful holiday with the constant stream of strangers coming to your door to the spooky noises (and movements!) of Halloween decorations. If your dog is anxious about strangers knocking on the door or the novelty that Halloween brings, here are a few steps you can take to help them feel more at ease.

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Lauren Tsao Nominated for Best Positive Dog Trainer In Mississippi!

Our trainer Lauren Tsao has been nominated as one of the best positive-reinforcement trainers in Mississippi for a SniffSpot hosted contest!

Your vote would mean a lot and thank you for the nomination!

Please vote for Lauren Tsao at the link below by selecting her name and casting your vote.

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Puppy Training: Building Confidence In Your Puppy

Building confidence in our dogs is overlooked. We believe that all dogs will be friendly, sociable, and happy-go-lucky. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Dogs of this nature are hard to come by these days. The odds are usually stack against us when we first get our puppy.

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Husbandry Training: Conditioning Your Dog to a Harness

Need a step-by-step process to get your dog to wear their harness comfortably? If your dog is growling, fleeing, or biting when you attempt to put on their harness, using positive reinforcement-based husbandry training could be the answer to your problems. Follow the steps in this article to help your dog love their harness!

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Introducing a New Dog: Adjusting to a New Home

Introducing a new animal into your family is always an exciting (though sometimes, stressful) process. When Googling “adopting a new dog”, you will find a wide range of suggestions from the science-based to personal opinion. This can make the process of introducing a new dog into your home smoothly seem challenging and taxing. However, it definitely doesn’t have to feel this way.

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Training Like A Pro: The Importance of Basics

With my training students, I have found many come to classes or private sessions after attempting to follow step-by-step guides, DVDs, or YouTube videos on how to train a dog.

They are often frustrated that the dog in these books or videos isn't like *their* dog. That dog is already well-trained, a different breed, more focused, or just simply *better* in some way than their own dog…

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Loose Leash Walking: Tips to End Pulling

Loose leash walking can be a challenging skill for many owners and dogs. There is a lot going on when trying to train your dog to walk nicely next to you. First you have to learn to hold the leash and the treats, usually while your dog is pulling you everywhere. Not to mention, your dog’s focus is elsewhere as they sniff every blade of grass and pull towards every dog and stranger they see.

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When Can I Stop Using These Treats, Training Collars, and/or Anti-Pull Harnesses?

I very rarely think about getting my dogs away from treats or toys during training anymore. So, sometimes when clients ask me about this, I can have some difficulty understanding why they are concerned because I know that dogs work for many things beyond treats and I can harness those things to use to my advantage.

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How to Pass your Canine Good Citizenship Exam

The American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizenship (CGC) exam is a ten-point exam that tests whether or not your dog meets the AKC's requirements to hold the title of Canine Good Citizen. The CGC test looks at several basic obedience skills and the temperament of your dog to determine whether your dog is worthy of this title.

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