Posts tagged reinforcement
What is a High-Value Reinforcer in Dog Training and Why is it Important to Use One?

When it comes to training our furry friends, using high-value reinforcers can make all the difference. These reinforcers, which can come in the form of treats, toys, verbal praise, or even physical affection, provide a clear signal to the dog that they have accomplished the desired behavior. (Check out our big list of reinforcers if you need help thinking of possible reinforcers to try out!) On the other hand, low-value reinforcers, or things you may believe are reinforcing, but aren't, can actually confuse and slow down training progress. So what makes a reinforcer high-value? It varies from dog to dog - for some pooches, it might be a crispy bacon treat, for others, it could be a game of fetch with their favorite toy. The key is to observe your dog's body language and reactions during training sessions and determine which reinforcer gets them the most engaged and increases and strengthens the targeted behavior. Using high-value reinforcers appropriately can not only help keep training sessions fun and engaging for both you and your pup but also increase efficiency and speed in learning behaviors and cues.

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How To Help A Fearful Dog Gain Confidence

If your dog is fearful, you may be wondering what you can do to help them feel more confident. Some dogs may be more fearful or hesitant than others, which can make training more challenging due to past experiences, social learning from other fearful dogs in the household, or even genetics. Luckily, there are positive reinforcement-based training methods and behavioral modification techniques, like desensitization and counter-conditioning that you can use to help your dog gain the confidence he or she needs to thrive. Keep reading to learn more about how to help a fearful dog gain confidence by using positive reinforcement and behavior modification techniques.

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Puppy Training: Building Confidence In Your Puppy

Building confidence in our dogs is overlooked. We believe that all dogs will be friendly, sociable, and happy-go-lucky. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Dogs of this nature are hard to come by these days. The odds are usually stack against us when we first get our puppy.

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Husbandry Training: Conditioning Your Dog to a Harness

Need a step-by-step process to get your dog to wear their harness comfortably? If your dog is growling, fleeing, or biting when you attempt to put on their harness, using positive reinforcement-based husbandry training could be the answer to your problems. Follow the steps in this article to help your dog love their harness!

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Which Dog Training Method is Most Efficient?

When I started dog training many moons ago, the field was based mainly on the now-debunked dominance theory. The current principles applied to dog training were just mere whispers of what was to come. However, I think this goes to show how far dog training is behind other forms of behavior modification and learning. I don’t know about you, but I have never seen any zookeepers or marine mammal trainers apply corrections to their animal students and expect anything other than certain death. Why do we seem to think that dogs are different than any other mammal on the planet?

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Who is Responsible for the Euthanasia of Dangerous Dogs?

My first thought about this is we have no data to even prove that statement. Someone’s opinion on what they think they have seen a handful of times isn’t enough to make it factual information.

I have had many clients not helped by both other force-free trainers and more punitive trainers. My guess as to why? The trainers both aren’t experience enough in their methods to successfully handle that case. End of story. Nothing more and nothing less.

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Isn’t Positive Training Permissive?

Well, here we go into one of the most debated topics in the dog world. We had to go down the rabbit hole at some point. A few days ago I came across a post on my Facebook feed by an aspiring trainer, and I was disappointed to see how a blooming once-promising positive trainer was talking about how “corrections” were needed to train dogs. Their point was that “positive only” training is much too permissive, and we are leaving out a huge chunk of information a dog needs to learn – what they are doing wrong.

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Why Dogs Need Guidance, Not Dominance

Last night, I had a pretty cool experience. In my brochures I was handing out about Faithfully Yours, a man read the section that said I was studying Psychology.

He asked me where I was studying and what plans I had after that. I told him I would be continuing on for my Animal Behavior degree in a year or so. He said, “WOW! They have an animal psychology degree now!?”He then told me this amazing story about his older dog he had trained to sit at intersections on their walks and wait for him to point in the direction they were going, before the dog would continue walking.

He then added, “I used my psychology degree to teach him all that stuff, come to think of it.”

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