Posts in Health & Genetics
Knowing When to Say Goodbye: When Behavioral Euthanasia is the Right Choice For Your Dog

If your dog is exhibiting aggressive behaviors that aren’t improving with training, you may be wondering if behavioral euthanasia is the right choice. It's a difficult decision to make, but it's important to remember that you are not alone. Many dog owners have found themselves in the same situation, and there is no easy answer. In this blog post, we'll explore the topic of behavioral euthanasia in dogs and offer some guidance on when it may be the right choice.

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Why Genetic Health Testing Matters

My entire life I have only owned rescued dogs with histories of unknown circumstances and problematic issues. All of my dogs essentially came to me “broken”. They all came with a plethora of problem behaviors and were “project” dogs. After working with rescue after rescue and seeing more of the same, I decided it was time for me to step outside of my comfort zone and purchase a dog from a responsible breeder instead.

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