How To Help A Fearful Dog Gain Confidence


How To Help A Fearful Dog Gain Confidence

Written By Lauren Tsao, MS, CDBC, CPDT-KA

If your dog is fearful, you may be wondering what you can do to help them feel more confident. Some dogs may be more fearful or hesitant than others, which can make training more challenging due to past experiences, social learning from other fearful dogs in the household, or even genetics. Luckily, there are positive reinforcement-based training methods and behavioral modification techniques, like desensitization and counter-conditioning that you can use to help your dog gain the confidence he or she needs to thrive. Keep reading to learn more about how to help a fearful dog gain confidence by using positive reinforcement and behavior modification techniques.

Using Positive Reinforcement-Based Dog Training Methods

One of the most important things you can do to help a fearful dog is to use positive training methods. Reward-based training is an excellent way to help your dog feel good about himself or herself while learning new things. Whenever your dog does something you want him or her to do, be sure to give plenty of praise and treats. In time, your dog will begin to associate positive behaviors with good things (praise, treats, etc.), which will help increase his or her confidence in what behaviors are desirable and result in good things.

Dogs trained with more correction-based training methods, especially more sensitive dogs, can start to experience fallout related to these training methods. This can decrease their confidence when trying new things or exploring their world because the dog starts to believe any behaviors they display could result in punishment. So, they stop offering new behaviors and stop exploring for fear of being corrected. More shy and fearful dogs can experience fallout from these methods more often or more intensely. So, while you may end up with a well-behaved dog, you are less likely to end up with a secure and confident dog than if you used more positive reinforcement in your training.

Using Desensitization And Counter-Conditioning

In addition to using positive reinforcement-based training methods, you can also help your fearful dog by desensitizing and counter-conditioning him or her to the things that trigger his or her fear. For example, if your dog is afraid of trash bags being shaken (a common one!), you can slowly expose him or her to the sight of the trash bag without the noise or shaking and give treats when the trash bag is visible. Eventually, your dog will want to see the trash bag in order to get the treats. Then you could slowly move onto the sound of the bag and then the movement as your dog seems to be relaxing around the trash bag.

Start with very soft sounds (like you crinkling the bag in your hands) and gradually work up to louder ones (like gently shaking the bag at a distance). It's important to go at your dog's pace; if he or she becomes too anxious, simply back off and try again later. With patience and consistency, you will eventually help your furry friend overcome his or her fears.

Desensitization and counter-conditioning involve changing the way your dog feels about the things that trigger his or her fear. Over time, your dog will begin to associate their triggers with something pleasant (treats!) instead of something scary. If done correctly, however, it can be a very effective way of helping a fearful dog gain confidence.

If you have a fearful or timid dog, don't worry! Positive reinforcement-based training is an excellent place to start, but sometimes fearful dogs will need additional help through behavior modification techniques like desensitization and counter-conditioning to make noticeable progress. If you need professional help for your fearful dog, contact us about our Private Behavior Consulting and Modification programs. We offer in-person private behavior modification and dog training sessions in Jackson, MS metro area, as well as worldwide virtually. With patience and consistency, you can help your furry friend overcome their fears and enjoy life to the fullest!