Dog Training & Behavior Tips
Your Dog Deserves the Best: Choosing the Right Vet and Knowing When to Switch
In this blog, we discuss the importance of selecting the right veterinarian and knowing when to seek a second opinion to ensure your dog's health and well-being. I share the story of Oakley, my dog diagnosed with discospondylitis after persistent advocacy and seeking a second opinion, highlighting the value of trusting your instincts as a dog owner. I offer practical steps for choosing a vet, including assessing their communication style, expertise, and ability to address your dog’s unique needs.
Understanding the Prevalence of Behavior Problems in Dogs – Insights from the Dog Aging Project
The Dog Aging Project (DAP) provides groundbreaking insights into the prevalence and scope of behavioral challenges in dogs. Analyzing data from over 43,000 dogs, this study found that nearly all dogs (99.12%) exhibit moderate-to-serious behavioral issues, ranging from aggression and anxiety to separation-related behaviors and housesoiling. The blog post emphasizes the importance of early recognition and intervention to address these issues. Behavioral problems often reflect deeper emotional, physical, or environmental concerns, requiring a “big picture” approach. Through tools like behavioral assessments, tailored training plans, and collaboration with veterinarians, owners can address their dog’s needs effectively.
Behavioral Challenges in Brachycephalic Dogs: A Hidden Complexity
Brachycephalic breeds, such as French Bulldogs and Pugs, are becoming increasingly popular, with the French Bulldog recently named the most popular dog breed in the U.S. While their charming, expressive faces appeal to many, these flat-faced breeds often face unique behavioral and medical challenges rooted in their anatomy.