Dog Training & Behavior Tips

Dog Behavior Lauren Tsao Dog Behavior Lauren Tsao

"He Seems Fine to Me!" Why Active Dogs Can Still Have Medical Issues

Does your dog’s energy and playfulness mean they’re perfectly healthy? Not always. Dogs are masters at masking discomfort, often staying active, even increasing their activity, to distract themselves from pain. This post explores why your dog’s boundless energy might not tell the full story, the subtle signs of underlying issues you might be missing, and why addressing their health first is key to effective training.

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Dog Behavior, Case Studies Lauren Tsao Dog Behavior, Case Studies Lauren Tsao

Beretta’s Story: The Dog Who Changed Everything

This blog post tells the story of Beretta, a rescue dog whose challenging behaviors initially appeared to be rooted in severe anxiety and fear. Over time, it became clear that her struggles went deeper, as her reactions to the environment and difficulty with training hinted at an underlying issue. After years of managing her behavior through training, medication, and environmental changes, a veterinary specialist confirmed that Beretta was…

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