Dog Training & Behavior Tips
How to Prepare Your Aggressive Dog for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends, enjoy a delicious meal, and give thanks for all that we have. For many of us, our dogs are part of the family. However, the increased activity level and the number of people in the home during Thanksgiving can be overwhelming for even the calmest of dogs. If your dog is aggressive or reactive, it is important to take some extra precautions to ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday. With some careful planning and management, you can make Thanksgiving a success for both you and your furry friend.
Last Minute Ways to Have a Well-Behaved Dog During the Holidays
Thanksgiving is finally upon us. The hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving and yummy treats just for the humans is enough to drive any dog mad. It could be hours of sitting around doing nothing while their owners cook delicious food they can’t have or talk to the cat-people relatives. Our dogs being underfoot, begging for turkey isn’t exactly helpful when we’re stressed from hours in the kitchen. Many dog owners wait until last minute and then realize a week of training just isn’t long enough to solve their dog’s behavior problems. So, here at Faithfully Yours Dog Training, we started testing a few ways to keep your dog happy while you get ready for the holidays.