Dog Training & Behavior Tips

Behavioral, Dog Training Lauren Tsao Behavioral, Dog Training Lauren Tsao

Scared For Life: Single-Event Learning In Dogs

Dogs are smarter than we give them credit for. They can experience something so impactful that it only takes a single time for them to understand that the experience is something to be avoided or scared of. This is called single-event learning (sometimes called a one-time learning event), and it's more common in dogs than you might think. If you have ever trained your dog, you know that usually, it would take many repetitions for your dog to understand the consequences of certain events or actions. However, single-event learning can be so frightening (or in some cases, pleasant) that your dog develops an avoidance, fear, or phobia with a single exposure. Keep reading to learn more about how single-event learning works and what you can do to help your scared dog.

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