Posts tagged triggers
Scared For Life: Single-Event Learning In Dogs

Dogs are smarter than we give them credit for. They can experience something so impactful that it only takes a single time for them to understand that the experience is something to be avoided or scared of. This is called single-event learning (sometimes called a one-time learning event), and it's more common in dogs than you might think. If you have ever trained your dog, you know that usually, it would take many repetitions for your dog to understand the consequences of certain events or actions. However, single-event learning can be so frightening (or in some cases, pleasant) that your dog develops an avoidance, fear, or phobia with a single exposure. Keep reading to learn more about how single-event learning works and what you can do to help your scared dog.

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Caution Areas in Multi-Dog Households

Spring is almost here - which means it is time from spring cleaning! While completing my spring cleaning this year, i noticed that I do something that probably most normal people don’t do: I arrange my furniture and spaces in a way to prevent dog fights and disagreements in my home.

You may be thinking to yourself, “What? How could your furniture arrangement cause dog fights?” There are many reasons this could occur like spatial resource guarding in dogs in the household, dogs bumping into each other by mistake due to limited space, or even dogs becoming conditioned to get overexcited or frustrated in a certain space.

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Training During COVID-19: Conditioning Your Dog to People Wearing Face Masks

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, wearing face masks has become a way of protection from the virus. However, some dogs might have difficulty adjusting to this change. This can cause some dogs to bark, growl, or hide when they see a person in a mask.

So, why are masks scary to dogs and what can you do about it?

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