Novice Trick Dog (AKC and DMWYD Eligible) Virtual Group Class Five-Week Course Starts!
First Live Class: September 7th, 2023 at 7 pm CT
CLASS START DATE AND TIME? The first class starts Thursday, September 7th, 2023 at 7 PM Central Time (course classes run every Thursday for six weeks straight at 7 PM central time with a live Zoom group class every Thursday, except Sept. 28th.) Graduation day is October 12th, 2023 at 7 PM central.
LOCATION? Virtual over Zoom - anyone can attend anywhere in the world! You will also gain access to a virtual course with videos, so you may opt in or out of the live Zoom classes.
COST? $125 per dog for the five-week course (five 1-hour virtual live Zoom classes plus access to our pre-recorded video course, the Zoom class recordings, and optional free Novice trick dog assessments for both Do More With Your Dog! and the American Kennel Club title credit). Class limited to twelve dog/owner teams.
PRE-REQUISITES? Dog and human students must know about training with treats using luring and be able to focus during class. Because this class is virtual, reactive dogs who are not owner-handling reactive/aggressive are welcome to join us!
PLEASE NOTE: This class is for healthy dogs with no significant prior injuries. Healthy puppies (eight weeks and up) and senior dogs may join us for Novice level with modifications made to match their physical needs.
Does this count towards my dog’s AKC or DMWYD Novice TRICK DOG Titles?
YES! But You will need to pass the assessment at the end of class.
Novice Trick Dog Virtual Course Modules & Taught Skills

How Does This Virtual Thing Work?
How this virtual course works and what it comes with:
You will have access to all course content virtually. You will receive detailed pre-recorded example videos that demonstrate proper form for each exercise, and comprehensive instructional videos on how to train your dog in the skills. Additionally, an audio option is available for all written content, so you can listen to your lessons each week instead of reading.
Participate in one live Zoom group class each week for five weeks straight and learn the skills from each week's module as it is released. During these live classes, you will get live feedback from your instructor and train together with others. All these Zoom classes are recorded so, you can watch them if you miss a live class.
Post your own homework videos in the private course discussion boards or email them privately for feedback from your instructor throughout the five week course.
At the end of the course, you and your dog will be virtually assessed to determine if your pup has learned the skill well enough to achieve their Novice Trick Dog title and move onto the Intermediate Trick Dog class.
Required Items For Class:
Are you ready for class? Plan ahead and order your items in advance so you're well-prepared when class begins. This course prepares you will more than enough tricks to pass your assessments for your titles, so if you see a piece of equipment like the tunnel or hoop, for example, that you do not want to purchase, you may skip this trick during the course and still pass as long as you have 10 tricks on the AKC Approved Novice Trick Dog checklist and/or 15 tricks in the DMWYD! Tricktionary.
Our equipment list (below) outlines when each item is needed, so you can create a purchase plan that works for you.
Regular well-fitted flat collar or Balance Harness (Needed by module #1.)
Regular 5 to 6-foot leash (Needed by module #1.)
High-Value Treats (we recommend CloudStar Chewy Tricky Trainers or Sojo’s Simply Treats) (Needed by module #1.)
Cardboard box your dog can fit inside comfortably. (Needed by module #2)
Three non-breakable cups (to hide treats under.) (Needed by module #2)
Training platform of some type that your dog can stand on safely and comfortably. (You can use Klimb or CATO brand, as well as a couch cushion or raised dog bed.) (Needed by module #3)
Jump bar, PVC pipe wide enough for the dog to jump over, or a hoop to big enough for the dog jump through. A broom stick can also work in a pinch! (Needed by module #4.)
Two of the same dog toy your dog will pick up or shows interest in. (Needed by module #4.)
Children’s play tunnel or agility tunnel. (Needed by module #4.)
Optional Items:
10 to 20 ft long line (for come when called/recall practice)
*Note: This class is taught using positive reinforcement-based methods. For safety, no prong/pinch collars, choke chains/slip leads, or e-collars (stim/shock) will be allowed in class. Dogs should have either a regular flat collar or a well-fitted harness that does not restrict movement.
About Your Trainer:
Lauren Tsao has years of professional hands-on experience working with a variety of dog training cases from puppy training to dog aggression using positive reinforcement-based training methods to get results and foster desirable behavioral changes. Lauren has a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s in Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare, which she applies to her work with animals and their owners. Additionally, she’s a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), AKC Canine Good Citizenship Evaluator, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), and Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI). She was voted Mississippi’s #1 Positive Dog Trainer by SniffSpot in 2022. Read more about her here.